  • Clos Cozy Challenge #3 – A box on a cross

    Why hello friends, welcome back to another fun-filled episode of Clos Cozy Challenges where we release a new shell every two weeks for those crazy kids that like to challenge themselves (but in a fun and enjoyable way of course.)

    This weeks shell is an odd shape, and skinnier than we’ve built with in the past two challenges. Easing up some restrictions, the below is in place:

    • No deleteing or adding exterior walls. The interior walls are okay!
    • You may change the wall height!
    • No changing the exterior platform
    • Must be built on a 30 x 20 or smaller

    Builds are due by the 27th of January!

    Come back and see this page after tours are completed for a showcase of the entries!
  • If you wanted a sign to read something today; start here.

    Procrastination is a really difficult thing to overcome, especially as someone with ADHD. Like this post – I’ve been looking at it and trying to come up with a title for the past 13 minutes, and effectively ignoring my break at work just to come up with something cool or edgy.

    The thing is that neither of those things really matter; this is a personal post and if I asked someone to describe me – I don’t think those would be in the top twenty things people would say. They may say, “Clo, you’re resilient, and kind. You know what you’re doing with your life and we’re proud of you.” Which – is verbatim to what has been said many times this week.


    Does that mean I believe it? Not always. I’m still struggling with how 2024 started. I’ve been sad, I’ve been angry, and the times that I’ve laughed this year compared to the times that I’ve wanted to cry aren’t exactly equal in length which is frustrating. I’m not ashamed to admit this though, because it’s the year that I re-open up about my mental health and continue to spread the message that if I’m going through this – someone else might be, and you’re not alone, friend.


    There are now seven minutes left of my break and apparently, when slightly motivated I can type quicker than I thought. Maybe that’s how we should be thinking about how we process our minds, and how if they’re busy being preoccupied by things we’re passionate about rather than thinking how everything needs to be perfect all the time, we’d overall have some better vibes coming our way.


    I’d like to think I’m not a perfectionist, but my ongoing library of never-to-be-finished Sims builds will probably say otherwise.

    That might be a challenge for everyone this week – go finish something. Maybe it’s a book that you started. A crochet that’s halfway done. Add some paint onto the walls of your Sims house (and add a roof. I see you there.) You will be pleased to know that 13 days into the year I finally put all of my clothes away that had been sitting there since 2023.


    Just finish one thing in it’s non-perfect glory, and see if that makes any difference.
    The worst thing that can happen is that you can get a small dopamine kick from saying it’s done.

    xoxo Clo

  • Hello 2024! New goals for the new year

    Do you know that feeling when you start something again, where once you knew exactly how to do it – but now it feels like a sort of distance memory? That whilst you know you know you how to do it – but can’t quite work out how it used to be so easy?

    That’s how it feels starting up this blog.  I used to write daily, then weekly, then less frequently than that again until the words just kind of stopped.  I can actually pinpoint the exact moment that happened-  but maybe that’s a story for a different day.

    Wally photos to start the year off ♥

    in 2024 - I've decided to change it up

    This year – I want to go back to focusing on the things I’ve previously loved doing. That’s primarily writing and content media.  So – I’ve decided to do a number of things for this year which are listed down below.  Although I don’t think this is the exhaustive list – and I’m sure there’s more – it’s something to work towards

    goal targets!


    • Earn or collaborate on 5 different sponsorships or partnerships
    • Reach 3,000 followers on Twitch
    • Raise 2k for Starlight, and another chosen charity throughout the year
    • Launch a CloCaffeinated Merch line (jumpers, shirts, stationary and obviously coffee cups)

    Content & Creation

    • Commit to 3 streams per week
    • Reach 2.5k followers on all other platforms (tiktok, twitch, instagram and twitter / x ) 
    • Do at least one new personal, and one new information post for this website a week
    • Continue with the closcozychallenges and the closchaoschallenge shells throughout the year
    • Post on social media at least 5 times a week
    • Grow my Ko-Fi account, and start a patreon for upcoming projects


    • Go on 3 big walks a week
    • Create a 365 photo project
    • Daily writings in a journal about the year
    • Reach a size 12 in clothing, and improve overall fitness
    • Read 24 new books for 2024
    • Get better at Magic the Gathering and win some comps!
    • Start to do crocheting again
    • Focus on learning new photography techniques, and learn more SEO and content branding ideas
    • Learn how to make emotes for twitch, and practice more digital art 

    wrap up ♥

    I’ve started the year with Wally and my BFF’s Maccas – and we’re going to be truthful in our journey.  Our 2024 start was not great, and it’s made me realise that things can change in an instant, but we just need to be open to seeing opportunties that come our way, and create them when they’re not. 


    We’re going to work towards some amazing new experiences and great memories for this year, and I can’t wait to have you along with me. 

    xoxo - clo

Clo Caffeinated

I'm a content creator best known for Sims 4 streams and active conversations in the community surrounding mental health. Also strongly associated my high-key love of coffee! I'd love to collab - please get in touch ♥