
It's me, clo

Hi Friend!  

I’m an Australian creator living in the Top End.  I’m known for my cozy streams over on Twitch, creating insane shell challenges in the Sims 4 and a crazy love of coffee.  I also took the suggestion “You need to get a new hobby” seriously, so I’ve restarted reading and reviewing books and games, and also painting minis (which is so hard?!) 


I'm pr friendly and would love to chat about promomotions & sponsorships!

10 Random Tidbits About Me:

  1. My go to coffee is either a oat vanilla latte, or a salted caramel cold brew
  2. I was chosen as a top influencer for McDonalds Australia and won a trip a trip to Sydney to see behind their scenes at headquarters. 
  3. I’ve been doing photography for over 15 years and shoot with a Canon 6D (that has definitely taken more shots than the recommended life of a camera)
  4. As an individual with ADHD – I’m passionate about raising awareness for the neurodiverse community
  5. And also a strong supporter of the LGBTIQA2+ community ♥
  6. I really enjoy charity work and have done volunteering for local groups, but my heart is always the biggest when we do campaigns for Starlight!
  7. I skipped P.E. lessons in highschool so I could do a double course of computing intstead! 
  8. During lockdown, I started a mental health blog and taught myself SEO, content marketing and basic coding. It was one of the coolest things I’ve taught myself!
  9. I taught Wally how to fetch his lead – and we have an unwritten rule that if he gets it, he can go in the car for a drive (shh!)
  10. I have a silly little nut intolerance that makes it hard for people to take me places (oops)

Would you like to get in touch?

For all business queries – please head over to my contact me page. I’d love to hear from you (especially if you’re bringing coffee!) 

Wally is also open to collabs with pupper friendly businesses (and has nine years of modelling experience!)